Hey, look. It’s me!

(i’m the girl, not the deer)


Pleased to meet you! I’m Sarah. Graphic Designer. Illustrator. Professional Adventurer.

Traveling with my family growing up, my mother always drove and I was her “copilot” (even though I was the youngest). Every now and then, I’d misread something or get distracted (I was a 12 yo. with ADHD) and we’d be lost. Whenever this occurred, my mother would say we were “just going on an adventure” with a cheery look on her face. We’d face the “unknown” with excitement and a show tune on everyone’s lips.

I’ve kept this mentality throughout my life and especially in my work. I enjoy traipsing through the biome of each new project, immersing myself in the flora and fauna of the language and visuals, venturing down trails big and small to find the best outcome.

Don’t 🐝 a stranger. Let’s go on an adventure.
Contact me here.


WARNING: singing well-known songs with close-but-incorrect-lyrics guaranteed.